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Why I’m not Losing Weight

Reasons you may not be losing weight and some things to think about before you start the journey.

We all see ads for how you can lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks but is this something that is doable and more importantly is it recommended? There are a few reasons why you may not be losing weight and first it’s important to understand why you want to lose weight.

First understand your Mindset:

Anytime you are looking at a program for weight loss I want you to pay attention to two things.

  1. Why am I wanting to lose this weight?
  2. Is this something I can do consistently for the long term?

I am not a huge proponent of weight loss programs. I am more about helping you feel confident and strong no matter your size and to help you get healthy for life, by making small changes over time.

Healthy Weight Loss:

What is healthy with weight loss? If you were to join my Transform Coaching Program and you were to be consistent with the program 90-100% of the time you could expect to lose about 1.5 to 2 pds a week, if you followed it 75-80% you could lose about 1 pd a week, and 50-60% you would lose .5-.8 a pound a week.

What to look for with weight loss:

Losing weight can be a challenging but rewarding journey. When you first start losing weight, you may notice changes in your body, energy levels, and mood. Here are some things you can expect when losing weight:

  1. Changes in your body: As you lose weight, you may notice changes in your body shape, such as a smaller waistline or slimmer thighs. You may also notice changes in your skin, hair, and nails. It is important to remember that everyone’s body is different, and weight loss may not happen at the same rate for everyone.
  2. Increased energy levels: Losing weight can increase your energy levels and help you feel more focused and alert. Exercise can also help boost your energy levels and improve your overall mood.
  3. Improved health: Losing weight can improve your overall health by reducing your risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It can also lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

It is important to remember that losing weight is a journey, and it takes time and patience to see results.

Why I’m not losing weight:

-if you aren’t getting 7 hours of sleep each night you are affecting the production of 2 hunger hormones. increasing grehlin hormone (stimulates appetite) and decreases leptin (tells your brain you’ve had enough to eat)

-if you are dealing with stress you are increasing your cortisol response, when you increase cortisol, you also increase blood glucose levels, which is designed to allow for the body to cope with the stress; problem is most of us don’t use the glucose and instead it ends up in the midsection.

-Movement-if you are just exercising and then sitting the rest of the day you may not be creating enough movement to help with weight loss efforts. It is most important to make sure you are moving throughout the day.

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