Walking Every Day

Walking is one of the most important things you should be doing. I would recommend it should be a goal of yours to walk every.  You don’t have to walk five miles each day. You should be trying to hit a couple of miles each and every day or taking time to get up and walk a few steps throughout the day.

Why walking is important

  • It helps you with your mental health.
  • you don’t have to think to much about it while doing it
  • it is freeing to be able to go out for a walk and it’s also free
  • helps lower blood sugar
  • helps strengthen your posterior chain
  • boosts immune function
  • boosts energy
  • eases joint pain

Almost every single one of us in good health, can go out and walk. There is no right way or wrong way on how to go out and move. There’s no judgment involved. It’s just you, hitting the pavement or the grass or the sand, and taking one step forward over and over again.

It also allows you to get you outside in nature and the fresh air. It allows you to enjoy the weather cold or hot, sunny or dreary. This is imperative for your health and well-being. It will provide you with Vit D, allows your eyes to see natural sunlight, and helps your body to regulate to the temperature.

Things to Focus on when walking:

One thing I want you to think about when you go for your walk is how you are moving. Many of us tend to fall. We have become a society with rounded shoulders and head jutted forward. We are looking down at the ground while we walk, which is basically causing us to fall forward.

Instead make sure you’re not looking at a phone or down at something as you’re walking. Try looking ahead with ears over shoulders. Imagine someone pulling a string up through your spine and out of the crown of your head. Place your hand on your chest, like your collarbone area, and think about bringing that collarbone up towards that hand just a bit. Rather than pulling the shoulders back to help you stand up straight. That’s going to help you move your rib cage over your pelvis naturally without tugging and pulling on anything.

The second thing I want you to focus on when you walk every day is pushing off with your big toe. Whether you are in or out of shoes, imagine pushing off through that whole foot to include the big toe. Many people are falling forward when they walk are not using their backside (posterior chain-think glutes and hamstrings) muscles to help them move. You will want to start bringing awareness back to your glutes and hamstrings when you walk so that they are working as we move. By practicing this you will also help your balance, proprioception and your pelvic floor as your big toe connects all the way up to your pelvic floor.

The next time you go for a walk, first think about standing taller bringing your chest towards your hand and then walking pressing off with the big toe. If you have any questions in regard to this, I do have a free guide that will help you to sit taller, stand taller and move better throughout your day so that you are utilizing the muscles that are there to work for you rather than using gravity to pull you along. 

I also offer a free guide to help you with your posture and how you can start to ensure you are sitting and standing well while also burning more calories.

Other blogs you may enjoy:

Good Standing Posture

What is the best sitting posture?

One Reason to Walk Daily

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