Welcome! My name is Courtney and I’m so grateful you’re here!

Hi, I’m Courtney and I am a mom of 3 who started my personal training career back in 2006 shortly after my first son was born.  I brought the first Stroller Fitness franchise to SWFL and operated it for 10 years in Lee & Collier County.

​​I have noticed that once our children get older and more self-sufficient it becomes harder for us to get enough movement in each day.  Our bodies start to get achy. Our posture tends to get worse, and we begin to gain that mid-section weight.

My passion is to help you feel good about yourself while making small changes every day to help live a healthier, more movement and exercise rich life, while ensuring you don’t deal with aches and pains in the process.  

I am here to help you listen to your own body, find movements that feel good and don’t cause pain, interview professionals to provide you with information to support you through midlife and motherhood, and help to encourage you along the way.


AFAA Personal Training Cert since 2006

Dr Sears Wellness Institute Cert 2009

The BioMechanics Method: Corrective Exercise Cert 2011

Pilates for Neurological Conditions Cert 2016

Katy Bowman Everybody BioMechanics 2017

Core Exercise Solutions Cert 2020