Moving through Midlife Program

Struggling to move more? Dealing with minor aches and pains when you move? Or just need help with strengthening your core? Join me as I help you to work through whole-body movements to help with aches, pains, tension, and tightness that you are struggling with. This program provides you with exercises, alignment tips, foam rolling techniques and stretches to help you get back to feeling your best and help you to move more.

Let’s get moving!

Whether you are struggling with Incontinence, Diastasis Recti, Tight Hips, or Low Back Pain, this program takes a whole-body approach to help you feel your best and create more movement into your daily life. 

We will move from the foundation (our feet) to the head, looking at your posture and how you are moving throughout the day. Helping you to find ways to move to help ease the common aches and pains so that you can get back to feeling your best while moving better.

With a whole body approach, we encourage you to not focus too much on one area of pain. Our body is deeply interconnected and many times needs more movement on a whole to help heal.

are you Ready to feel better?

Do you find yourself saying, I just want to feel like myself again.

These are the types of things you struggle with

Dealing with aches and pains in your low back, feet, knees, shoulder blade, and upper back and neck.


Leaking urine when you cough, sneeze, or try to workout.


Feeling disconnected from your core muscles, either struggling with a low belly pooch, split abs, or just feel like nothing you do is working.

“I no longer have excruciating foot and ankle pain”

“I am on my feet continuously and I noticed I have an inward foot rotation and a weak ankle. After seeing Courtneys foot mobility posts, I knew I had to do something and quick! I signed up for the foot mobility course and it not only is full of knowledge but easy exercises as well. In just a few days I have become very aware of my foot and body posture, and I don’t have excruciating foot and ankle pain! Our feet are what hold our whole body up and helps keep the rest of the body in line. I am so happy I saw your posts and your course. Thank you so much!”


But you know what?

I’ve been in your shoes.. and there is a better way!

After years of teaching fitness classes, I hit my late 30’s and my body started feeling like it was slowly breaking down. It started with nagging foot pain that didn’t go away for months on end. I also would deal with neck and shoulder pain, until I began to learn how important foam rolling was to help ease the tension, and how strengthening the feet would help everything else up the line.

Now I focus on movement as a whole, while making sure to take time to release the tight fascia as well.


The Alignment Bundle

We have taken some of our most popular courses and combined them into one so that you can work on whole body movements through focusing on your posture, foot strength, and connecting to your core while also taking part in some live zoom classes and Q and A sessions to ensure you are able to get your questions answered.

Let’s get down to business

Here is what we cover…

course one

Fit Feet

Foot and ankle strengthening exercises to help improve the strength, control, and movement of the foot. Valued at $49

course Two

Posture Fix

Provide you with self assessments to determine what to work on, mobility drills to help you get unstuck, and stretches and foam rolling techniques for specific pain points. Valued at $149

course Three

Connect to your Core

Feel frustrated that you can’t get into your clothes. You feel bloated and disconnected to your lower abs after: children, perimenopause, C-section and you just don’t feel like yourself anymore. Dealing w/ Diastasis Recti, Incontinence, or Low Belly Pooch our Core Connection Program will help you reconnect to your core and pelvic floor. Valued at $197

Plus you will receive these bonuses:


My Favorite Recipe Guides

You will receive access to our weekly recipe guides to help decrease minor inflammation.

Exercise Vault

Access over 100 workout videos to help strengthen and stretch.

Monthly Live Calls

Gain access to 2 Live Monthly Calls where we will discuss a topic or answer your questions.

Monthly Classes

Join any of our Live Workouts to help you work on posture, alignment, or strengthening.

Tips to help ease common aches and pains

Receive additional information to help you through specific situations that may be causing you pain. (ex. sleep, driving in car, gas/bloating)

Tips for Perimenopause

Sharing information and tips to help you through Perimenopause with information on cycle syncing your exercise, nutrition, and sleep.

3 month Payment Plan
  • our alignment programs
  • exercise library
  • healthy meal guides
  • live Q & A’s & access to special events
  • plus all bonuses included
one time payment
  • Bonus: 45 minute coaching call
  • Alignment programs
  • exercise library & meal guide
  • live q & A’s and special events
  • plus all bonuses included