
How to Lose the Love Handles

love handles

Are you struggling with how to lose the love handles?

It can be very frustrating when you have an area of your body that you are struggling to lose weight from. Even harder when you see other areas are starting to respond.  There could be many different factors at play. Without sitting down to speak with you, I can only provide you with a few ideas as to what may generally help lose the love handles.

As with all exercises, there is not one exercise that will target the love handles. It is key to understand that spot reducing is not effective.  Although, there are a few things that I would encourage you pay attention to, to help whittle down your middle.

Focus on:

  • Firstly, I would recommend you look at what you are eating. If you are eating a lot of carbohydrates and sugary foods, your insulin levels are being affected and you may be dealing with some insulin resistance.  This will put weight on your midsection, so it is imperative to clean up your diet by addling protein, fat, and fiber to your meals and cut down on the snacking throughout the day.
  • Second, if you are losing weight in all other areas of your body but the mid-section continues to stick on, it might be more of a pressure system problem. Take a look at the videos (below) to see if you have Diastasis Recti (split abs). Or check to see if you are creating pressure down on your low belly which may be creating a belly pooch.  
  • Lastly, I would make sure you are working out with enough intensity to lose the mid-section weight.  It has been shown that High Intensity Interval Training is a great way to lose the weight around the belly.  

A lot of mom’s may notice that what they thought was love handles is more of a pooching of the belly, so I also want you to check to see if you are instead dealing with the low belly pooch.

Watch the 5-part Series of Do you have a low belly pooch:

Taking the time to work on certain exercises will strengthen the mid-section. And it’s a great way to help work on losing the love handles. These exercises although not designed to spot reduce the area, are targeted to help strengthen the muscles in your core which will in turn to help with the area.  

Grab our Free Guide on How to Strengthen the Lower Abs and Reconnect to your Core where I provide you with the 6 things you need to focus on in understanding why you may have the belly pooch.

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Breathing helps with lower belly pooch

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