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Diastasis Recti Exercises

diastasis recti exercise

Diastasis Recti is where the Rectus Abdominus muscles have separated and the fascia (linea alba) in that area has lost its elasticity. You may have either ab separation, squishy fascia, or both. Depending on the severity of the separation will depend on what exercises are best for you to do, which is why it can be confusing to know what is safe and what is not. I would encourage you to seek someone who specializes in Core Healing (like myself) to ensure you are doing exercises that are safe for you and begin to work on strengthening your abs effectively so that you don’t create other problems.

3 Exercises Safe for Diastasis Recti

360 breathing

No matter what type of separation you have, I always start my clients off with Breathing techniques to ensure they are breathing correctly. I know it sounds funny, but the way you are breathing will affect your core muscles and Diastasis Recti. The first thing you want to work on is making sure you are breathing in a 360-degree breathing pattern to ensure the ribs are moving throughout their full range of motion and also making sure the diaphragm is working to its fullest capacity.

Head lifts

Another exercise that you can begin to practice safely is head lifts. Head lifts are similar to a crunch but instead of lifting the head and shoulders up off the mat, you will just lift the head up off the mat. Try not to tuck the chin to much towards the chest, but rather lift nose to ceiling. You will begin to feel your deep core muscles activate, along with your neck muscles. (Many of us moms are in a forward head posture a lot, so the front neck muscles are weak). You can then purse your lips like you are going to drink from a straw and then slowly breath out through pursed lips. You should start to feel, what I like to call, fire in the belly. A slight burning sensation throughout your core.

Dead bugs

The last exercise I would recommend you practice safely would be Dead bugs. There are many variations to this exercise, so you can begin very small with great modifications and then slowly increase the intensity as you see fit. Again, in the crunch position you will lift one leg up with bent knee, press your hand into the knee, and the knee into the hand. Then gently lift your head up off the mat while you continue to press hand into knee and knee into hand. Breath as if you are breathing out through a straw to feel the core fire on. Then make sure to practice the other side as well.

Make sure to grab our Free Guide on how to test for Diastasis Recti and 5 exercises you can practice to help heal your DR.

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What is Diastasis Recti

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