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What is Diastasis Recti

diastasis recti

Diastasis Recti, a separation of the rectus abdominis muscles, commonly affects women post-pregnancy, though anyone can experience it. This condition often leads to a bulging or tenting effect in the abdomen during certain exercises, caused by a thinning of the linea alba (connective tissue from the rib cage to the pelvis). While some postpartum recovery occurs naturally, others may need targeted exercises and core stability techniques to fully restore strength and close the gap.

How to Test for Diastasis Recti

To determine if you have Diastasis Recti, lie down with your knees bent. Use your three middle fingers, aligned horizontally, and place them over your belly button, pressing gently. Lift your head off the floor and feel for any separation or squishiness. Repeat this process about an inch above and below the belly button, checking for the following:

You will want to be testing for a few things:

  1. How squishy is the area where your belly button is when you lift your head
  2. If you breathe out through pursed lips when you lift your head, does that same area get harder or is it still squishy?
  3. Do you notice the abdominal wall coming together around the fingers?
  4. If so, how far do they pull in when you lift your head up?

If you notice a gap larger than two fingers, or the tissue feels overly soft, it may be beneficial to focus on Diastasis Recti-safe exercises and correct breathing techniques to restore core function. Working with a professional can help you move through exercises safely and avoid worsening the condition.

What is normal for the Diastasis Recti Test

A gap of one to two fingers is common post-pregnancy, but ongoing separation or squishiness may need attention. Practicing Diastasis Recti-specific exercises and aligning your posture can help strengthen the core and restore the linea alba’s firmness. For more than two fingers’ separation, seek exercises safe for Diastasis Recti recovery to prevent further issues.

Free Guide for Diastasis Recti Recovery

Download our free guide on Diastasis Recti testing and safe exercises to help begin your healing journey.

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