
How to clean the Air in your Home

clean air

As cancer rates continue to rise, it’s important to examine the potential contributors to this alarming trend. One often overlooked factor is the increasing use of chemicals in everyday products. In our enlightening conversation with Tea from Green Living Gurus, we dive into how we can clean the air in your home and explore how to create a toxin-free home environment.

Born into a family where health and wellness were a top priority, Tea has leveraged her extensive knowledge to guide others on their journey to a cleaner, greener lifestyle. The connection between chemical exposure and the prevalence of cancer is a pressing concern. By reducing the amount of toxins in our homes, we can potentially decrease our risk of developing serious health issues.

What creates toxins in your home:

One of the main culprits of indoor pollution is outgassing from everyday products. From laundry detergents to furniture, these products can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air we breathe, potentially leading to adverse health effects. While it may be difficult to completely eliminate these chemicals from our homes, there are steps we can take to minimize our exposure.

We discussed the importance of choosing safe and healthy detergent options such as Molly Suds, Maloria, and Seventh Generation. Additionally, using essential oils in glass jars can provide a natural alternative to synthetic fragrances that often contain harmful chemicals. Being mindful of the items we bring into our homes and opting for natural cleaners can significantly reduce the amount of outgassing in our homes.

Understanding the chemicals we expose ourselves to daily is a crucial step towards reducing our toxic load. Tea shared her experience with a company that offers blood and urine tests to measure the levels of chemicals in our bodies, providing valuable insight into our personal chemical exposure.

Ways to clean the air in your home:

Improving the air in your home is another key aspect of creating a healthier indoor environment. Air purifiers can help to filter out harmful pollutants, providing cleaner air for us to breathe. However, it’s important to choose an air purifier with a high-quality filter to ensure its effectiveness.

In conclusion, creating a toxin-free home environment is a multifaceted process that requires awareness, action, and continuous effort. By making informed choices about the products we use, taking steps to reduce outgassing, and investing in air purification, we can significantly reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals and pave the way towards a cleaner, greener lifestyle.

Learn more about Tee of Green Living Guru’s:

Therese(Tee) is a Detox Your Home Guru and Health Coach at
The Green Living Gurus.  She grew up in a very healthy home in the 60’s and 70’s, went to college to open a health food store,  and has been helping people for over 40 years keep toxicants out of their homes.

Tee is an entrepreneur, activist, podcast host, and educator. She spreads awareness of chemicals in everyday products that could cause many autoimmune illnesses, cancer, and other health issues. She
guides women in creating a less toxic home and lifestyle to ultimately increase the odds of a long, healthy, vital life and a safe environment in their homes.

She does all of this through her weekly podcast, Green Living with Tee, her newsletter, blog posts, social media, home detox coaching, and ‘Tee’s Organics’, a line of household products that are healthy for you and your home.

The Healthy Living Store by the Green Living Gurus – The Green Living Gurus

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