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How to Sooth Dry and Itchy Skin

I recently had the opportunity to try products from The Hard Lotion company. As a mom who has children who have struggled with eczema in the past I was excited to try Hard Lotion. I had been looking for an alternative to the steroid creams prescribed by our pediatrician. I was amazed at the results and asked Renee, the founder of Hard Lotion, to tell me how it helps to sooth dry and itchy skin and why her product is so successful with just three ingredients.

Listen to the Podcast Raising Healthy Humans to learn more

Renee is a mother of nine children. As a mom of nine you can imagine she’s seen her fair share of skin rashes. She also struggled with cracked hands and fingers herself which were exacerbated by the many times she was washing her hands everyday as a mom. Her mother introduced her to a lotion bar which was all natural with no harsh ingredients or fragrances and was amazed at how well the bar worked. Renee enjoyed making her own things like yogurt and decided she would try to make her own lotion bar formulation to help soothe dry and itchy skin which was how her company began.

What is in the Products:

Only 3 ingredients:

coconut oil 

shea butter


While simple and natural. The ingredients worked together to layer her skin in a protective barrier so even when she went to wash her hands, she wasn’t washing away the lotion meant to protect her skin. After her experiment on herself she successfully used it on her son’s eczema, and it drastically reduced their use of a topical steroid while helping to soothe the dry and itchy skin and sting. At the time, she was a homeschooling mom and decided to have her children help start a small business that would be sold at local farmers markets and that is how The Hard Lotion Company began its journey.

Listen in to episode 18 to hear Renee’s remarkable journey and to learn more about the amazing products her company offers. There is also a special discount code: FORMFIT  you can use when purchasing products from their website.

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