
Why it’s Important to Detox your Home

Getting Rid of the Chemicals in Your Home

​We are exposed to thousands of chemicals every day. Many of these chemicals, while being approved as GRAS (generally regarded as safe), can:

  • disrupt our hormones
  • cause asthma and headaches
  • contribute to cancer or cardiovascular disease.

One way these chemicals cause harm is by damaging the enzymes your body naturally produces for every physiological function in the body. Once these chemicals come into contact with your skin, the enzymes stop functioning and can contribute to disease.  That is why it is so important to detox and get rid of the chemicals in your home to live a healthier life.

Trying to replace all of our cleaning and personal items with safer, better for you, products can be overwhelming and expensive. That’s why Kelly Liston developed her program Detox Your Home In One Day. By taking smaller steps over the course of time become less overwhelming and less of a hit to our wallets.

3 tips to detox your home:

  1. Ditch the fabric softener/dryer sheets! Fabric softener is the most toxic consumer product available according to Kelly. Fabric softener works by clinging to your clothing. Making it feel softer but that means the residue it leaves behind will also cling to your skin where it’s absorbed into your bloodstream. Instead, replace your fabric softener with wool dryer balls. If you miss the scent fabric softener leaves, add a couple drops of essential oils directly to your dryer balls.
  2. Throw out your candles! Yes, they smell amazing and can make your house feel festive at the holidays but the fragrances in candles are never just one fragrance. Candles can contain up to 300 different fragrances that don’t need to be declared on the label. Make the switch to an essential oil diffuser using high quality oils from a trusted brand.
  3. Download the app Think Dirty! Save time and utilize the app Think Dirty where they list thousands of products and rate them based on their ingredients. You can even check the items you currently have in your home to see how they are rated. So that you can decide if you want to keep using them or replace them with something safer.

Click below to listen to Ep. 26 Detox You Home with Kelly Liston for more details on her program Detox Your Home in One Day and for more tips on choosing the right products that are better for you and your family.

Where are you going to start?

What is the first thing you are planning to get rid of in your house?  I don’t use fabric softener since we have a lot of skin allergies, but I do love my fall candles.  I believe the company I love so much offers safe candles but am going to be aware of what else I might be bringing into my home that may not be healthy.  

Today a friend also mentioned to me to look into the health of my water, and it was very disappointing to see that our water in this area is not as safe as I would like it to be.  Head to the EWG to see how your tap water ranks. Test your tap water

Learn more from Kelly:

Detox Your home:  https://www.kellyliston.com

 3 Products you can ditch today:  https://kellyliston.activehosted.com/f/1

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