
What is the best sitting posture?

Helping you to determine what is the best sitting posture for you.

There truly is not a “best” sitting posture.  What I prefer you to think about is how you are moving through the positions while you are sitting.  The best sitting posture is not any one position but rather the next position you move into.  The goal is to find small micro-movements throughout the day, so while you are sitting, make sure you are changing your position to help you move a bit more, especially in midlife.

If you notice that you tend to lean to one side quite often, then your goal is to start moving your body to the opposite side a bit. This can be really tough because it isn’t a comfortable position for you since you are rarely sitting like that. Cross one leg over all the time, try changing it up and switch the leg that is crossed, it will probably feel uncomfortable. This is because the muscles are tighter on the one side which is always your bodies way of saying you need to move into that position more often.   

Looking at a cell phone:

When you are sitting down and looking at your phone, you tend to jut your head forward which puts a lot of strain on the neck. You will tend to also push your tongue forward hitting your teeth or clenching your jaw, which changes your breathing pattern.

Whether you are driving, reading, or watching TV you can begin to relax and think about how you are sitting.  Change it up often throughout the day to get those micromovements in and grab our guide on 5 stretches to practice for when you sit a lot throughout the day or join our Movement Community where we are helping you to move more.

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