
Reasons you may have low milk supply

2 Reasons you may be struggling with low milk supply:

Many new moms struggle to establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with their infant. Low milk supply and decreased milk production are two possible reasons a woman might experience low breast milk. In episode 28 of our podcast I speak with Victoria of Milk Made Mama. She goes into detail of how moms can overcome these hurdles so they can successfully nurse their infants.

Discovering that breastfeeding isn’t going to be the easy, natural experience that many women assume. It can be painful and cause a woman to feel defeated. What should be natural bonding time between mom and baby. Can quickly become fraught with stress and frustration. Unfortunately, low milk supply and decreased milk production are becoming more common amongst new moms. Victoria’s goal in starting Milk Made Mama is to support women going through this experience and help them to see if they can overcome their breast milk supply issues. If the clients she works with can’t overcome her supply problems, Victoria works with them to process the reasons why and help them move forward from what they may sense as a failure.

Victoria helps women find the root cause of why they have low supply and if they are able to address it, she works with them to breastfeed successfully within the limitations of their underlying cause.

Some root causes of low milk supply include primary and secondary issues.

  • Primary issues are issues going on within the mom such as anatomical or hormone issues or trauma or damage that could have occurred due to various reasons like surgeries or inverted nipples.
  • Secondary issues include poorly managing feeding schedules, oral restrictions in baby like tongue ties or diet.

One of the best ways moms to be and new moms can help their body prepare for breastfeeding is by following a healthy lifestyle. This includes having your doctor check your hormone levels before pregnancy as well as making sure to follow a healthy and nutritious diet. She also mentions that there are supplements women can take to help their bodies milk production. The list she has on her website are herbs known to promote milk supply and she also lets you know if they are safe during pregnancy.

Each woman has their own unique breastfeeding experience. What worked for one mom will not always work for another. Listen to episode 28 where Victoria and I dive deep into the road bumps moms might run into during their journey and how to navigate them. 

Head here to learn more from The Milk Made Mama

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