Perimenopause Health

Perimenopause, a stage that many women go through, is often accompanied by a roller coaster ride of hormone changes. This period is not only about hot flashes or missing periods but involves a plethora of symptoms that affect the overall wellbeing of a woman. On our recent podcast episode, we had a riveting conversation with Dr. Stephanie, a Doctor of Pharmacy and an expert in perimenopause health, who generously shared her wisdom, gleaned from personal experience and professional training.

Dr. Stephanie emphasized that perimenopause is not the end of life as we know it. Instead, it is a transformative time that moves generations forward. However, the journey through perimenopause can sometimes be stormy, especially when dealing with anxiety and depression. According to Dr. Stephanie, lifestyle changes, mental awareness, and hormone replacement therapy can offer a beacon of hope to navigate these challenging tides.

A crucial part of managing perimenopause involves understanding and monitoring your dietary intake. Certain foods and drinks, such as alcohol, sugar, and spicy foods, can exacerbate hot flashes and night sweats. Hence, maintaining a food diary and being mindful of what you eat can be beneficial.

Furthermore, exercise plays a vital role in managing perimenopause symptoms. Engaging in regular physical activities like strength training, yoga, and stretching can significantly contribute to overall wellbeing during this phase. Mental awareness is also essential, as mood swings, rage, and anger are common symptoms that many women experience during perimenopause.

Another important aspect of managing perimenopause is understanding the role of vitamins and supplements. Dr. Stephanie recommends getting annual checkups to monitor your vitamin levels, as deficiencies can significantly impact your health. For instance, a lack of Vitamin D can lead to various health issues.

Lastly, the episode shed light on the importance of health recommendations for women, particularly during perimenopause. Iron levels, for instance, can significantly impact your health. Having too little or too much iron can lead to severe complications like strokes and hair loss. Regular health checkups and vaccinations are also recommended.

In conclusion, perimenopause is a transformative phase that every woman should be equipped to navigate successfully. By focusing on lifestyle changes, mental awareness, and getting professional advice, women can steer their own ship through these potentially stormy waters.

Learn more from Dr Stephanie:

Dr. Stephanie Young Moss/Wife.Mom.Pharmacist (

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