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Healing Eczema through Gut Health

Dr Melissa helps families heal from Eczema

podcast art with Dr Melissa of your journey to healing  about gut health and eczema

Today I am speaking with Dr Melissa from Your Journey to Healing, where she helps families heal from eczema.  As a mom herself she was tired of seeing her own family struggle with eczema and asthma and was tired of the steroid cycle that they were on.  She dived into the research and began to learn how much gut health plays a role in skin health and now helps families to heal eczema through gut healing.  

Eczema, a common skin condition characterized by persistent itching and discomfort, is often more than just skin deep. The journey to healing from eczema can be complex and multifaceted. On our recent podcast episode, she shares her personal journey of healing her son’s eczema by focusing on improving gut health. This was a process that was fraught with challenges but ultimately rewarding.

Dr. Melissa’s journey started with the understanding that eczema was a symptom, not a diagnosis. It was a sign that the body was unhappy and required attention. Her exploration led her to the concept of ‘leaky gut.’ This is a condition where the gut lining becomes permeable, allowing undigested food, toxins, and bacteria into the bloodstream. This can lead to an inflammatory response and contribute to conditions like eczema.

Eczema and Gut Health

But what contributes to leaky gut? Dr. Melissa explains that common irritants like sugar and processed foods can feed harmful bacteria in the gut, contributing to leaky gut and exacerbating eczema symptoms. The lack of beneficial bacteria in the gut can also lead to leaky gut, highlighting the importance of maintaining a balanced gut microbiome.

In her quest for healing, Dr. Melissa also stumbled upon the intriguing puzzle of histamine intolerance. Histamine, a compound involved in immune responses, can cause inflammation and exacerbate eczema symptoms when it builds up in the body. Causes of histamine intolerance can range from genetic pathways to a hyperactive immune system, and recognizing these triggers can be instrumental in managing eczema.

However, managing eczema involves more than just understanding triggers and focusing on gut health. It’s about navigating the emotional and physical toll of dealing with the condition. For Dr. Melissa, part of this journey involved finding alternatives to steroids, which are often prescribed for eczema but can have long-term side effects.

Overall health in relation to gut health:

In the end, the journey to healing from eczema is about understanding the intricate relationship between the gut and the skin. As Dr. Melissa aptly puts it, it’s about understanding the skin microbiome and its role in protecting our skin from inflammation and irritation. It’s about recognizing that gut health is not just about digestion but is intrinsically linked to our overall health and well-being.

For those battling eczema, this episode serves as a beacon of hope. It’s a reminder that healing is possible, and it often starts from within. By focusing on gut health, eliminating triggers, and nurturing our bodies, we can embark on a journey towards healing from eczema.

Eczema and gut health are complex topics, but Dr. Melissa’s journey sheds light on the intricate connections between the two. It’s a testament to the power of holistic health approaches and the importance of listening to our bodies. It serves as a valuable resource for those battling eczema and provides insight into the potential of gut health in promoting overall wellness.

Learn more from Dr Melissa:

Home – Your Journey to Healing with Melissa Raymond

Natural Options for Kids with Eczema/Allergies/Asthma: Parent Support Group | Facebook

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