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Online Speech Therapy for Kids

Today I am speaking with Lenora, a Board-Certified Speech and Language Pathologist working with Better Speech. She works with little ones who are learning to express themselves all the way up to adults who want to improve their speaking skills to become better communicators. Learn more information about online speech therapy by listening to the Podcast.

Questions we Discussed:

1. We discuss early signs to look for in your child when it comes to seeking out a Speech Therapist.

2. Tongue ties and how they may be affecting speech

3. Benefits of trying Online Speech Therapy

4. Importance of communication with your child starting at a young age

5. Posture and how it relates to your neck and speech

Early signs of speech problems

Here are a few signs to be on the lookout in young children which may mean you should look into seeing a Speech Therapist.

If your child is struggling to breastfeed, struggling swallowing, coughing, clearing their throat a lot, or if it looks difficult for your little on eating you should seek further guidance. It also is important for children to be moving food back and forth through the mouth when chewing to help ensure that the muscles in the mouth or being strengthened equally.

Signs for Communication in your child

When your child is less than one year you should see that they are responding with cooing sounds that may mimic the sounds you are making. Make sure they are smiling and responding to you with mouth and facial movements.

Once they turn one it is ok if they are not quite saying words yet, but you should be hearing them trying to copy your communication further by expressing themselves with facial expressions and vowels similar to the words.

At two they should be starting to string more than one word together, like mama up or similar phrases.

If they are not showing any of these signs it is important to get a second opinion.

Learn more from Lenora

Head to www.betterspeech.com to learn more and to schedule a complimentary appointment.

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