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Prioritize Self-Care for a Healthier Family

Helping you prioritize self-care in midlife.

Busy midlife mom exercising with child

This podcast episode sheds light on the transformative idea that prioritizing one’s own well-being is not only beneficial but crucial for raising healthier children. I provide practical and manageable strategies to prioritize self-care into your daily routines, emphasizing the ripple effect this can have on the entire family. Self-care is not selfish but rather a foundational step towards raising healthy humans.

I want you to think about how you are feeling mentally and physically. All mirrors set aside, the scale thrown out the window, how do you feel in your own body? Take a moment, sit with yourself and think. How do you feel in your own body, in your soul? What words are you conjuring up about yourself right now. What words do you speak aloud about yourself, with your family or to others? Do you provide nourishing words for growth and expansion when you talk about yourself, or do you play small?

Also, how do you feel physically when you move? Do you feel pain? Are you achy, stiff and tired? All of these things can be seen and felt from others and they’re making imprints on our children. Be aware of how you are moving and, again, if the words that came to mind about your movement and how you feel physically are more negative, then that’s something you need to work on, and as a busy, overwhelmed mom myself, I understand it can be really difficult to figure out how to take some time for yourself.

Simple things to prioritize self-care:

  • When you wake up, one of the first things you should do is drink a glass of water. I keep a glass on my bedside table to drink before I even get out of bed.
  • Move every day, this doesn’t mean you have to exercise every single day; but rather focus on moving your body throughout the day in different ways.
  • Eat protein and fat at every meal.
  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night

If you are struggling to find ways to move every day, here are a few things I recommend.

4 exercise tips as a busy midlife mom:

  1. Commit to 5 minutes a day to work on consistency
  2. Stack your habits
  3. Get outside with your family
  4. Rethink your exercise to movement instead

Quick midlife fitness workout ideas:

You don’t need to start off with a 45-minute workout each and every day, but you do need to make sure you are moving every single day. I like to advocate for a 5-minute workout each and every day.  When you have a busy day and you are running around taking the kids from one place to the next, just squeeze in 5 minutes of a workout to get things started.  I promise it will help you to feel better and once you start to feel better you will want to move more. 

Stack your habits:

Another thing you should consider is stacking your habits to prioritize self-care. This can begin to make big changes as well.  There are times each day that you are standing around waiting for something, so use that time effectively.  If you are waiting on your coffee to brew-do some squats, shower to heat up-complete countertop pushups, dinner to cook-abs in the kitchen (plank workouts), or while you’re waiting for your child at dance/soccer/baseball practice-walk around the field or around the area.

Move around outside:

Get outside with your family as much as possible.  Something about being outside encourages more movement. So go outside for sidewalk chalk and it will turn into hopscotch, throw a ball around, race each other in various ways (turtle race, one legged race, bear crawl race).  Life is short, have fun and enjoy yourself.

Movement as a whole:

And for goodness sakes, please stop thinking you have to do a “workout”. Movement is just as important so even if you aren’t throwing around weights, if you are moving and carrying kids/groceries around, cleaning the house, gardening, you are moving and that is key.  

If you are struggling with your consistency than I would love for you to join us in our Moving through Midlife Community where we provide you with quick workouts and movement tips to help you move more.

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