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Healthy Holiday Tips

Try these 5 healthy holiday tips to keep you moving and feeling good this Holiday season.

greenery on backdrop with snow and healthy holidays in bold

The Holidays are a busy time and it can be difficult to make health a priority during this time. There are so many fun things to do. So many opportunities to indulge on delicious treats, and family members to visit. And don’t forget all of the Christmas shopping that needs to be done.  Who has time to be healthy during the Holidays?

YOU DO!  You must, for your own SANITY!!!!

​I’m not asking you to kick it into high gear this holiday season.  What I’m asking you to do is stay consistent. Take time for yourself so that you can give 110% to those around you.  

Healthy Holidays Guidelines:

  • Workout for at least 5 minutes every day
  • Move more throughout your day

​All you have to do is commit to working out 5 minutes a day and continue to make mostly healthy choices. If you practice this, you will start off the New Year not feeling like you have to start over with making all kinds of changes.  

​We here at Form Fit don’t believe in Fad Diets and quick fixes.  My goal is to help lead you on the healthiest (and happiest) path to wellness in midlife.  Slowly work to create your best self, while enjoying each milestone along the way.

With all of the EXTRA things we have to do during the Holidays it can be really tough to get that workout in.  I am not here to tell you to wake up an hour earlier during this time of year, because I get it. You may have been up late the night before wrapping presents or going to a Holiday event.  Instead, I want to share a few tips with you on how to have healthy holidays by bringing movement into your everyday life.

5 tips for Healthy Holidays

Tip # 1: Keep moving!  Try to move as much as possible throughout the day. This should come fairly easy if you are out buying gifts to put under the tree. Get on the floor to wrap presents to change up the position of your body. Go for a walk around the neighborhood in the evening to look at all the Christmas lights.  Take the kids to the mall to see Santa and try to park on the opposite end so you get some walking in as well.  

Tip #2: Get in the holiday spirit and play that Christmas or seasonal music.  It is so hard not to sway, move your hips, or have a little more pep in your step when holiday music is on.  These little bouts of dancing around add up to big calorie burn (steps made) during the season.

Tip #3-Convenience is killing you!  Do not rely on the convenience of packages delivered to your door. Or sitting in your car outside of Target while they conveniently bring your packages to you; unless of course you have little eyes in the back seat.  I understand it is easier. But think of the extra time you are just sitting in your car waiting for someone else to get their movement in while you wait.  If you live an active life, then this is not a big deal. But if you sit at a desk all day and then drive to and from work. Having everything delivered to you, so you can relax and watch Netflix is not helping you live your healthiest life.

Tip #4-Get together with family or a friend to workout with you.  We always think about getting together for lunch or coffee with friends to catch up. What if you asked to go for a walk instead?  You get to catch up with a friend and get your exercise in.  It’s a win-win!  Looking for other mom’s in your area?  Join a fitness class geared towards community building to meet other moms.  Working out with friends is always more fun!

Tip #5-Consistency is Key!  Try to make it a daily habit to perform some sort of fitness regimen into your life.  Even if you don’t have a lot of time, most people have 5 minutes to devote to something.  Do a Sun salutation at the beginning or end of your day or follow along with any of my 5 min workouts. Set aside at least a little time each and every day for consistency and then it will become a habit.  Once it becomes an everyday thing, you will start to find more time to commit to it as you will start to see the positive effects it has on your life.

If you enjoyed this workout or are looking for accountability to help you have a Healthy Holidays than I would love for you to join our community! I will help to hold you accountable this Holiday Season.

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