
Improve Sleep

Information to help you improve sleep by focusing on your tongue position.

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We live in a world where our overall wellbeing is often dictated by how well we sleep. This in turn is heavily influenced by our oral health. This fascinating interconnection is the main topic of our latest podcast episode where we had the privilege of having a conversation with Jessica, a myofunctional therapist. Jessica’s insights into the profound impacts of oral health on how it will improve sleep and overall wellbeing are not only enlightening but could potentially be life-changing for many.

Topics we discussed:

  • 0:05-Addressing Jaw Pain and Sleep Issues
  • 11:13-Sleep Apnea’s Connection to Breathing
  • 22:10-Tongue Positioning and Breathing Techniques
  • 28:17-Tongue Posture and Muscle Strengthening
  • 34:07-Improving Smiles and Addressing Tongue Posture
  • 47:31-Reaching Out and Promoting Healthy Habits

Jessica’s journey with myofunctional therapy began with her own personal experiences. Her daughter, who had feeding, sleeping, and headache issues, was the catalyst for her exploration into the deep connections between these symptoms and oral health. It was through this journey that Jessica realized the importance of addressing the root cause of her family’s health problems. This perspective shift led to her developing a unique and holistic approach to health and wellness.

The conversation delved into the often-overlooked connection between sleep disorders and genetics in children. Jessica emphasized the importance of early intervention and raised awareness about the negative implications of mouth breathing such as snoring and sleep apnea. It’s clear from our discussion that mouth breathing isn’t just a simple habit. It’s a practice that can significantly impact overall health and wellbeing. Jessica shares ways you can begin to improve sleep by changing your tongue position.

A particularly enlightening part of the conversation revolved around the concept of ‘tongue gymnastics’. This innovative technique can not only improve our smile and eye movements but also address compensations in our facial muscles. The practice focuses on proper tongue posture and its importance in overall oral health. The concept of the tongue resting on the roof of the mouth, not touching the teeth, and the middle and back of the tongue being in contact with the palate was discussed in detail.

quote and picture of a smile

One of the fascinating insights shared by Jessica was the potential benefits of strengthening the muscles in the mouth. Improved tongue posture and potentially preventing the need for orthodontic interventions were just some of the advantages mentioned. Jessica also highlighted an intriguing connection to pelvic floor strength and how these changes can positively impact the appearance of the face.

In conclusion, this episode was a journey of discovery. It opened our eyes to the profound impact our oral health has on our sleep quality and overall wellbeing. The knowledge shared by Jessica is a powerful reminder that our health is a holistic entity, and addressing one aspect can have a ripple effect on others. Whether it’s navigating midlife health issues or understanding the mechanics of our oral health, this episode provided a wealth of information that can help us take better control of our wellbeing.

If you’re dealing with sleep disorders, jaw pain, or any other oral health-related issues, this episode is a must-listen. It’s time to stop treating symptoms in isolation and start addressing the root causes. As Jessica so aptly put it, we need to start looking at our body systems and not just the symptoms for lasting change. This approach could be the key to unlocking a healthier, more restful, and fulfilling life.

Learn more from Jessica:

Grab the Checklist she mentions: Jessica Miller How to Stop Stress-Clenching Naturally (jessicamillerwellness.com)

Stop Snoring Tonight information: Snore No More Method

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