
How to Rekindle a Relationship

Navigating long-term relationships, particularly marriages, can be a daunting task. Life is an ever-changing whirlwind of events. Amidst this chaos, maintaining the intimacy and spark in a relationship can seem like an uphill task. According to Selina, a celebrated Christian relationship coach, it’s all about embracing these changes and recalibrating to help rekindle the relationship.

Selina started as a health coach, but a personal transformation in her life made her pivot towards relationship coaching. The biggest transformation in her life was learning how to cultivate a healthy relationship with her husband and understanding the foundations required to create a long-lasting marriage. The core essence of maintaining a healthy relationship lies in embracing the constant recalibration of life, intimacy, and the relationship itself during changing seasons. Understanding that things won’t be the same forever and that every phase of life requires a different version of you and your spouse.

A major factor that contributes to a healthy relationship is effective communication. Selina emphasizes the importance of communication and honesty in a relationship. She shares how to communicate effectively with your partner, particularly for busy moms. From meal prepping together to having a stay-at-home date, she shares simple ways of reconnecting with your partner each day. These simple moments of connection can help rebuild strong bonds in the relationship, even amidst a packed schedule.

One of the exciting aspects Selina discusses in the podcast is the 30-day intimacy challenge. This challenge helped her rediscover intimacy with her husband. She underlines the importance of creating a safe space for vulnerability and understanding that expectations of intimacy can evolve over time. Intimacy is not only about physical connections but also emotional, mental, and spiritual intimacy. Creating time to explore each other, understanding what works for each other, and not overthinking the process can lead to a healthier and more satisfying intimate relationship.

The podcast episode also delves into aspects of raising healthy families, making time for each other, and the criticality of communication and intimacy in relationships. One of the key takeaways is that maintaining a healthy relationship is a continuous process. It doesn’t pause when life gets busy or during challenging times. Rather, it’s about embracing the changes, constantly recalibrating the relationship, and prioritizing open communication and intimacy. If you want to rekindle the relationship you must take time for one another.

In conclusion, a healthy relationship requires effort, understanding, and continuous recalibration. With the right approach and mindset, one can successfully navigate the changing tides of a long-term relationship.

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Selina Almodovar | Christian Relationship Author & Coach (@selinaalmodovar) • Instagram photos and videos

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