
What is the Best Diet for Weight Loss?

healthy foods, vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, chicken, and apples

Are you ready to know what the best diet for weight loss is?

Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer for you. But wait, read on as you will be better able to determine which is right for you after reading this).

We are all individuals; we all will benefit from different things and it’s going to depend on you and what stage of life you are in.

No matter what form of “diet” you try, whether it be macros, keto, intermittent fasting, whatever it may be. 

Questions to ask yourself:

  • How do I feel when I eat this way? 
  • How do I feel when I eat certain foods? 

And start listening to your body because it will show you through energy or exhaustion, through headaches, sinuses, skin irritations, brain fog and so much more-it will tell you, you just need to make sure you are listening.

We have gotten to the point where we are much more, just tell me what to do. Just give me the meal plan, just give me the workout, just give me the prescription, just tell me what to do; rather than listening to what is within your body and listening to what it is saying.

I’m going to ask you to really pay attention to how you feel when you eat a certain food.  How does it make you feel? because some of us will feel good eating something like kale, while other’s aren’t going to (you may get very bloated and just not feel good) even though you have been told it’s healthy.  It means right now, it is not for you for whatever reason!  So, no matter what diet you try, you need to start really listening to your body to determine if it is right for you, right now. 

The next thing, all diets are going to work for a period of time-THEY ALL WORK

Before you try the next fad diet:

  1. How long is the diet going to last? Is it something you can continue to do for a long period of time? And if the answer is no, then it may not be the diet for you.
  2. Or is it for you right now based on your situation? If you are pregnant, you may not want to follow a keto diet, or if you are peri-menopause and dealing with adrenal fatigue you probably shouldn’t be intermittent fasting.
  3. Don’t get to committed to one specific diet.  So many vegan influencers have had to either hide or feel guilt when they realize that their body is missing out on key nutrients and they have to start incorporating more fish and meat into their diet.  So again, listen to your body.  Some people will flourish on a vegan diet forever, some may do great on it for awhile and then will need to change, and some may never do well on it.  That is why it is key to listen to YOUR body!

We also have gotten to the point, where we are not looking at health as what is good for us inside. We have gotten to where health is about the way we look and that is wrong. That is a very bad thing the fitness industry has done to all of society.

The number one thing with any diet should be to to ensure that we are feeling good and are healthy on the inside. I will tell you I’ve seen many people that look healthy on the outside with a six pack and “perfect” body fat percentage.  They appear to be really healthy but they are missing key nutrients.  Their hair is falling out, they’ve lost their periods because they’re not providing their body enough calories; they’re not eating for their health. They’re eating for a specific look which can be very dangerous. 

All diets recommend for weight loss:

Let’s pull out what almost all diets are recommending? Although there are some extreme diets where you only eat one thing (like Carnivore diet), but for most diets there are two things they focus on. 

  1. Get rid of the processed foods
  2. Eat more vegetables.

If we can all agree on that, if you just work on those two things, less processed food and more vegetables, then you are going to be making positive changes in your diet.  Can we just start there?!  and if you need some fancy name for it.  Let’s call it the: NOPRO/MOVEG diet  Try this diet for one month and let me know how you feel.  

Focus on Nutrition

The last thing I want to mention in regards to specific diets.  Don’t get too caught up in any one way of thinking about a diet. If you look at macros, macros are great. But there’s a healthy way to eat macros, and there’s an unhealthy way to eat macros. Same thing with keto. There is a healthy way to do keto. And there’s an unhealthy way to do keto. If the diet you chose is pushing these delicious looking protein waffles, slathered with this delicious peanut butter sauce, and a dollop of some sort of cream on top.  If it looks too good to be true, even though yes, it’s within your macros. It might make you look healthy, but it may not be working to help you to be healthy on the inside.

You really need to focus, not on what the diet makes you look like, but more what it’s doing on the inside because ultimately the goal should be to live a long and healthy life in a body that supports you for the long term and is capable of moving you and not so much what it looks like.

Let me know in the comments how you feel about trying my new diet 🙂

​If you are ready to start eating healthier with my NOPRO/MOVEG diet than try one of our Meal Plan/Recipe Guides Free

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