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Aging in Midlife: 4 Ways to Support It

midlife woman on a mountain with arms overhead

Aging is an inevitable part of life, but understanding the process can help us navigate it with more grace and resilience. A recent study published in Nature Aging offers some fascinating insights into how our bodies change, particularly during midlife. This study, which analyzed the health data of 150 diverse participants aged 25 to 75, identified two critical periods in life where significant aging changes occur: the mid-40s and the early 60s.

The study’s findings are not just interesting—they’re actionable. Here are four practical steps you can take to support midlife health as you age, particularly during these pivotal years.

1. Moderate Alcohol and Caffeine Consumption

One of the key insights from the study is how our bodies’ ability to metabolize certain substances, like alcohol and caffeine, changes as we age, particularly in our mid-40s. Many people notice that they can’t tolerate alcohol or caffeine like they used to. This isn’t just a personal issue—it’s a common part of aging.

Tips for Moderating Alcohol:

  • Dilute your drinks: If you enjoy a glass of wine, try cutting it with sparkling water or adding ice cubes made from flavored water to reduce the alcohol content.
  • Limit intake to special occasions: Consider restricting alcohol to weekends or special events to help your body adjust and reduce the strain on your metabolism.

Tips for Managing Caffeine:

  • Switch to half-caf: Mix regular and decaf coffee to gradually reduce your caffeine intake without sacrificing your morning ritual.
  • Reduce the number of cups: Start by limiting yourself to one cup in the morning, and save the second for weekends if you find you’re particularly sensitive to caffeine.

2. Rethink Your Diet, Especially Lipids

As we age, our bodies also change how they metabolize lipids—fats found in foods like fried items, high-fat dairy, and animal products. This can impact your cholesterol and triglyceride levels when aging, making it crucial to adjust your diet in midlife.

Dietary Adjustments:

  • Cut back on fried foods and high-fat dairy: These foods can become harder to digest and manage as you age. Reducing your intake can help you maintain healthier cholesterol levels.
  • Focus on heart-healthy fats: Incorporate more sources of unsaturated fats, like olive oil, nuts, and avocados, which are easier on your metabolism and better for your heart.

3. Prioritize Strength Training

Muscle mass naturally declines as we age, particularly from our mid-40s onward. This makes strength training not just beneficial, but essential for maintaining muscle, bone health, and overall physical resilience.

Strength Training Tips:

  • Start lifting now: Don’t wait until you notice a decline. Begin strength training as early as possible to build and maintain muscle mass.
  • Increase weight gradually: Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. Start with weights you can handle, and progressively increase the load to continue building strength.
  • Get guidance if needed: If you’re new to strength training or unsure about your form, consider working with a trainer who can help you establish a safe and effective routine.

4. Support Skin Health with the Right Supplements and Nutrition

The study also highlighted changes in skin health as a part of aging. While this might seem purely cosmetic, maintaining skin elasticity and hydration can improve overall well-being and self-confidence.

Skin Health Tips:

  • Incorporate collagen: Collagen supplements can help maintain skin elasticity and reduce the visible signs of aging. Give it about a month to see noticeable effects.
  • Add creatine to your regimen: Creatine isn’t just for bodybuilders—it supports muscle mass and overall strength, which can, in turn, improve the appearance and health of your skin.
  • Focus on hydration and nutrition: Drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants to keep your skin hydrated and glowing.


Aging might be inevitable, but how we age is something we can influence with the right lifestyle choices. By moderating alcohol and caffeine, adjusting your diet, prioritizing strength training, and supporting your skin health, you can navigate midlife with greater ease and vitality. These small changes, based on the latest research, can have a big impact on your well-being as you age.

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