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Middle Motherhood

podcast art with Kara Trochta a wellness and life coach with title helping moms in middle motherhood

Today I am speaking with Kara, a mom and life coach that helps moms find clarity around their purpose in life as they enter middle motherhood. We had a great conversation about how taking time to go within and listen to your heart, you can begin to take action towards God’s purpose for you. If you are a mom asking yourself what’s next or questioning the path you are currently on, this conversation is for you.

Topics discussed during our conversation:

-Is there anything moms should prepare for as they move into middle motherhood?

-What is the first thing you recommend moms do to help them determine there purpose?  As just the thought of the word, can be so overwhelming.

-You focus on God Centered Purpose, but can you explain that more.

-Do you have any tips or questions to help mom through this journey?

What next as a mom in middle motherhood:

As your children head off to elementary school it can leave you questioning what you are supposed to do next or feel like you need to help support the household by going back to work. You may even feel lost as if you are having a midlife crisis during these middle motherhood years.

One of the first things we do is ask ourselves what now, who am I? Rather than going within we tend to look outwards and see what other people are doing to see what is making other people happy. It is important to really find what we were made to do. Find your natural gift and ability and lean into that.

Quote: God doesn't want carbon copies of us.  We are all given unique gifts and talents.

Questions to ask yourself

  1. What are your interests?
  2. Ask friends what you are good at
  3. What is setting your soul on fire?
  4. Who do you want to help?

Is God speaking to you:

It is important to understand that we will all here from him in a different way. You may have to write things down on paper, or you may have to listen to how you feel doing different things, and much of the clarity is actually taking action and explore the different opportunities. If it doesn’t work it doesn’t mean you failed, it is information to learn. Do understand that if you have a lot of noise (constant scrolling on social, Netflix binging) you will probably not hear what your calling is.

Exercise the Dream Muscle

When you were in high school you probably weren’t scared about taking that next step because you had your whole life ahead of you. And if she were to see you now, she would probably see that much of what she dreamed of came true for you, so you are on the right path. You don’t have to stop dreaming now that you made it to where your high school self wanted to be; you can continue the dream and put yourself out there rather than starting to dream through your child now. It is important to embrace the journey and continue working towards your dreams so that your children see that this is a journey, it is not just snapping your fingers and getting what you want. It takes time, dedication, and a lot of hard work.

Learn more from Kara:

Middle Motherhood Life Audit Session (karatrochta.com)

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