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Healthy Habits to Start

Habit stacking is a great way to add healthy habits into your day when you don’t have a lot of time.

girl walking up the stairs

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for workouts and self-care is often challenging. However, staying active and taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. In fact, it can be as simple as integrating healthy habits with movement into your everyday routine or spending just one minute on self-care.

Today’s podcast episode explores these concepts in depth, redefining what workouts can look like and unveiling the power of one-minute self-care routines.

We start by dismantling the notion that being active requires hours spent at a gym. Instead, we look at how our ancestors lived active lives without ever stepping foot into a traditional fitness center. They didn’t need complex workout routines or expensive equipment to stay fit; they simply moved more throughout their daily lives.

Ways to move more:

  • Use the Stairs
  • Park further away
  • Get up to change the channel on your TV (old-school style)
  • Stretch at your desk

This concept is key in our modern era where sedentary jobs and lifestyles are increasingly common. Incorporating more movement throughout the day might mean choosing the stairs over an elevator, parking further away from store entrances, or even standing up to change the TV channel instead of using a remote control.

Another thing to practice: one-minute self-care routines. Despite sounding counterintuitive, spending just one minute on self-care activities can have profound impacts on your overall wellbeing – both physically and psychologically.

Imagine taking a moment every hour during your workday to stand up, stretch, or do a quick breathing exercise. These small actions break up long periods of sitting and help reduce stress levels, improve mood, enhance concentration levels, and boost overall energy levels.

These micro-movements are not meant to replace dedicated workout sessions completely but rather supplement them – especially on days when squeezing in a full workout seems impossible.

The aim here is not perfection but consistency. By finding ways to consistently incorporate movement and self-care into our daily lives we can yield far greater benefits than perfecting a single workout routine or trying out every wellness fad that comes around.

To support you on this journey towards redefined fitness and wellness practices, we share resources on our website. We offer quick five-minute workout videos to short guided meditations suitable for beginners.

Join us as we redefine what it means to be fit and healthy in modern times. Remember: You don’t need hours at the gym nor extravagant wellness rituals; what you need is consistency with small changes integrated seamlessly into your everyday life.

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