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Exercise is like a Supplement

My goal is to help you always, move more throughout your day. When I think of exercise, as a personal trainer, I believe exercise is like a supplement. Just like the vitamins you take; exercise is the supplement to movement.

It is important to exercise daily, just like you should enjoy your green juice, fruit and vegetable supplements, and omega fish oils but you should also be eating all of those things as well. You should also make sure you are moving a lot throughout the day, not just sitting around until it’s time to exercise.

If you want to be considered active, you shouldn’t just be doing your hour-long workout and calling it a day. No, think of this as your supplement to activity. Activity is what you are doing the rest of those 12 hours.

Are you moving a lot throughout the day?

Do you try to go for walks, stretch your body, get your heart rate up, and move into different positions or are you sitting in the same position throughout the day?

It is time we look at exercise as an add on to our daily movement. How can we get more movement into our day?

Start to stack your habits. I talk about this at length all the way back in Episode 2 called Stack your Habits. or try our 5 a day challenge along with all of our other challenges in our Moms Raising Healthy Humans Community.

Ideas for Stacking your Movement

-Go for quick walks throughout the day, doesn’t need to be far or fast, just work on moving more

-Stop outsourcing your movement to someone else.

-Play with your kids, go outside and throw a ball around, play at the playground with them

-Create movement by changing your position throughout the day. For those of you working moms, its not all lost. Try changing how you sit, rotate and move your hips in your chair, slide your ribs back and forth, all of these things help to move your body into different positions to help keep the joints lubricated and the lymphatic system flowing. Move your feet, this helps too!!!!

-Take time as a family going for an evening walk or bike ride (Feel free to also listen to Podcast Ep 82: Importance of Walking After Dinner) or play an active game inside Ep 83: Games to keep you and your family active)

If you are ready to start practicing healthier habit throughout the day and want more accountability, join us in our FB Community where we practice healthier habits.

Other blogs you may enjoy:

Movement Snacks

Walking Every Day

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