Drink more water

It’s important to drink more water for your overall health.  It helps our skin look more like a plum and less like a raisin, it allows our organs to run more efficiently, it helps our fascia to glide across the muscles and not get sticky which is huge for you pregnant momma’s as you are less likely to tear during delivery when you are more hydrated.  

It also has an affect on leaky gut.  The cells in your GI Tract should be plump which helps to protect it, when you are dehydrated the cells shrive up and make space for food to get through and enter the bloodstream.  

It will help you to:

  • ​feel more energy
  • eat less
  • feel younger
  • look younger
  • flush toxins out of your body
  • have less aches and pains

How are you drinking?

If you are drinking your (approx. 64oz) of water daily but you are sitting most of the time and you are going to the bathroom a lot, then guess what…
you are not going to see the greatest impact of what water can do for you as it is just moving straight through your system.

Here is the deal, your blood helps to pump water through your system to your organs and the best way to do this is to make sure you are moving.  The more you are moving, the more your body is able to utilize the water throughout all of the organs and cells MORE effectively and the more parts you are moving, the more water distributes through your body.

So the next time you are drinking a glass of water, get up and move around afterwards to help that water get to all of your organs, cells and throughout your system and please feel free to:

TEST it out for yourself!

Drink a 16oz bottle of water while sitting around on a Sunday watching tv and see how many times you get up to go pee.


Drink a 16oz bottle of water while going for a walk, cleaning the house, or dancing around and playing with your kids.  

Did you hit up the toilet less the more you were moving? Let me know if you tested it out for yourself.  

5 tips to help you drink more water

  1. Make sure you go to bed with a glass of water to help ensure you drink water first thing in the morning.
  2. Carry a water bottle with you everywhere
  3. Exercise
  4. Drink some water when you are getting that snack craving around the 4 o’clock hour
  5. Add some electrolytes
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