Baby Massage
Today I am speaking with Helen with My Baby Massage. She started her career as a childcare educator and then found baby massage while looking for help with the common ailments of babies in regard to sleep, colic, and constipation. She now offers baby massage classes online and is here to speak with us about incorporating baby massage with our little ones.
Why baby massage?
Touch is one of the most important things for babies, especially from their own moms, and we are teaching our baby cue’s and communicating with our baby through touch. It also helps you and your baby to relax and also toning their muscles.
Times you should not massage:
Massage should always be baby led as this is being respectful of their bodies.
Don’t massage after they have been immunized for about 48 hours after
Don’t massage areas that have sores, tummies right after delivery because of the cord, or areas that seem to be aggravated
Newborn babies shouldn’t be overstimulated so very minor massaging
Before a bath
If they are feeling sick
Things to do prior to massage
Always ask them if they want a massage and look for cues from them
Make sure it is quiet and calm
Place a blanket on the floor to rest them on so that you and your baby are in a safe space
Make sure you have oil to use
When practicing massage
Make sure to use some pressure, not too much, but enough so that it isn’t tickling them. Always start with the legs first and then move up. You can practice a movement similar to golf clapping, so fairly soft, to tap on them as well. As they get older you can tell a story to them to make it more fun for them. Move down the arms and legs and go in a clockwise direction for the tummy.