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Eat more Fish

podcast art with Sena of Sena Sea and title helping your children eat more fish

Sena is the co-founder of Sena Sea. She runs the operations side of their business that brings wild Alaskan seafood direct to your door. She has a master in food science and nutrition, mom of 3 and is passionate about all things fish. Today we discuss the importance of getting fish into your diet for the Omega’s, tips on helping it taste good so that your children will eat it, and even discuss some great information about Omega’s and mercury.

Why eat wild fish:

  1. It offers the best flavor, nice texture
  2. For your health since they are eating natural foods within the ocean, they are healthier for us and have the correct ratio of Omega 3’s to Omega 6’s. They also have B vitamins and potassium.
  3. Better for the salmon, they are living life the way they are supposed to rather than being pinned up. When farmed they can carry disease and farming also affects wild fish as well.
  4. Sustainable-when being caught wild in America they practice sustainable practices, to support not only their family but their future families as well. They do not overfish.
  5. For the planet-rivers in Alaska are kept clean and pristine and because the salmon in this river are so valuable. There are protective measures to keep this area free from mining and over deforestation.

Getting our children to eat more fish:

It is important to have a positive attitude by putting the dinner on the table with pride. Don’t practice being apologetic about the food you are placing out. Don’t allow them to think they won’t enjoy it. Share with them how someone went out and caught the fish and now it is on our table to enjoy.

Find delicious recipes and make sure you are getting good quality fish. When cooking it, try not to allow it to dry out so that they will enjoy it more. Give your kids an opportunity to try it without any pressure.

It is recommended to eat fish twice a week, so begin practicing eating fish at least a couple times a month to work your way up to eating fish more often.

If your children don’t like the fish they need to be polite about it. The topic at dinner should not be about how they don’t like the fish. Try it and if you don’t like it, move onto something else. This also allow them to practice good manners.

Concerned about Mercury:

If you are concerned about mercury in your fish, look for more fatty fish as they tend to not store as much mercury in their bodies. They sell salmon and black cod, both which are low in mercury.

Try Sena Sea fish and get some fish recipes:

Wild Alaskan Fish | Alaska Seafood Delivery | Sena Sea

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