Feeling Overwhelmed as a Mom

With everything we have to do while raising kids like juggling careers, volunteer commitments, aging parents, kids sports and activities it is easy to see how we can be left feeling overwhelmed as a mom.

Gina Fontaine is a mother of two, a personal trainer and author of the book You are a Supermom. After living through several difficult moments, she began recording her thoughts and from there her book came to life. Her advice and tips for moms who are feeling overwhelmed helps you to reclaim your superpower.

Gina has 5 myths she covers in her book that she believes need to be debunked. One of these is that moms are master multi-taskers. There’s no doubt that we as moms are great at multitasking but research has shown the brain can only focus on one meaningful task at a time. Long term, multi-tasking can put us in a chronic fight or flight feeling. Therefore, it’s better to make lists and focus on each task individually.

Another key point Gina provides for feeling overwhelmed as a mom is to learn that taking care of yourself and keeping yourself calm will help calm the swirl around you. She encourages you to know that it’s okay to put yourself first and to fill your cup, so that you are able to give to others.

Listen in to Ep. 20 on Raising Healthy Humans to hear more from Gina and her tips and tricks to combat overwhelm. Don’t forget her book You are a Supermom is out and available now.

Learn more from Gina:

The Book: You are a Supermom

Gina Fontaine: One Minute Wellness Solution

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