
Ab Workout for Moms

workout for moms

Are you finding times for your ab workouts as a mom? It can be difficult to find time as a busy mom. I’m sure you have heard the phrase abs are made in the kitchen. So let’s try this tongue and cheek workout where we are doing abs in the kitchen. I always am looking for ways to make my workouts a part of my everyday as a busy mom through habit stacking.

One workout for moms I recommend is to do a bit of ab work in the kitchen while cooking dinner.  Put on a pair of socks, get down in a plank position, and have fun with various workouts that can be done. It only takes about 5 minutes while waiting for something to boil or after putting a sheet pan in the oven. You can even try quick 1-minute spurts while cooking on the stovetop.  It doesn’t have to be perfect, the goal is to make it fun.

Note: If you have Diastasis Recti I do not recommend plank exercises until you learn how to manage the pressure in your core. Check here for Diastasis Recti.

A quick ab workout for moms

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