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Tips for Multitasking Mindfully

We don’t have a problem getting everything done day to day as busy moms. It is our job to get things done, that need to get done. We spend most of our time doing things for other people. Yet, how can we assure we are mindfully practicing tips for multitasking? Marissa Lonic, founder of the company Momma Work It: Slay the Day, says that when busy moms focus primarily on their families it leads to exhaustion, resentment and burn out.

Self-Care and Multitasking

Prioritizing self-care is necessary and doesn’t mean spending a day at the spa once a week or always having a perfect mani/pedi. Self-care can also look like spending five minutes a day doing something from the list of things that make you happy. A list of things that make you happy can include things like exercising, taking a walk, enjoying a hot cup of coffee or organizing a closet. Lonic encourages you to keep a list of everything that makes you happy so you can quickly refer to it when you have a bit of extra time for yourself.

Do you feel guilty taking time out of your day to do something for yourself? Lonic offers one on one coaching to help you work through the guilt.

What is guilt management?

It is important to model for our families how to take care of ourselves. We need to ensure we are happy and not resentful when it comes to our family. Spend time and go out on a Friday night with girlfriends. If you say no to this because you feel guilty for missing the kid’s nightly routine, will you build resentment? Sacrificing your happiness out of guilt leads to bitterness and resentment. It’s important to teach your children how to live a happy and fulfilled life by modeling the type of life you want them to lead.

Holiday Multitasking

During the holidays the tasks can seem insurmountable. It is important for you to delegate and set boundaries. There is no reason why you should have to do everything on your list. Delegate responsibilities to your spouse or children if they’re old enough to help. It’s also important to get comfortable with saying the word no. We have the power to make choices and are able to choose to say no. If there is something (or someone) on the list that isn’t making us feel good, then we have the right to say no without apologizing. Quality over quantity plays a huge role. Focusing and going all in on a few things that are important to you will have the biggest impact on your family and friends.

Cut your To Do List:

Here are a few tips for multitasking during the holiday season:

  1. Have a batch party: set a date and time to get the task done. You can invite friends or family along or even set up a time to catch up with an old friend over the phone while you do your task.
  2. Mindful multitasking – multitask the mindless, easy tasks that won’t be affected if you don’t do them perfectly. Think folding laundry, packing lunches, doing the dishes etc. Whatever task you don’t want or need to be fully present in you can multitask. Save the focus for the things you really need to zero in on.
  3. Get tasks out of your head – whatever system works for you – paper, whiteboard, online calendar, phone notes – write them down. Each day pick 3 tasks to focus on and work on checking those off the list.​

Lonic says give yourself grace when changing how you operate. Things don’t happen overnight and forming new habits can take as long as a year. By setting annual goals and breaking them down into daily manageable tasks you’re more likely to be successful.

Lonic has authored two books. One is called Time Momagement and she has a workbook to help you drill down to the nitty gritty called Word to your Mother. Check out her website at www.mommaworkit.com and listen to episode 34 Mindful multitasking tips and time management tools to help the busy mom over at Raising_HealthyHumans.

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