
Parent as a Team-Positive Parenting Approach

Danielle is a Positive Discipline Certified Parent Educator who helps partners to Parent as a Team while helping families find sanity and strategies for parenting strong willed children. She wants you to become the parent you thought you’d be through Parenting wholeheartedly. 

Danielle feels that every family has their own dynamic that is created from two parents who grew up with two different families and parenting dynamics, which can make it difficult to be on the same page all of the time. It is important to work together to ensure you are both on the same page.

Tips to help Parent as a Team

-Treat your family like an organization

-Try not to fly by the seat of your pants

-Discuss options for your approach prior to the situation if you can

-With siblings, needs can be met in different ways. Fair doesn’t always mean equal

Struggling to see eye to eye

-Try not to show that you are not on the same page in front of your kids
-Create a Tag Out code word, just in case one person gets out of hand or unreasonable
– Take a break – “Dads needs a min and we all should take 5”. Give yourself some space to get on same page

How to handle opposing parenting after Divorce

-Create consistency and normalcy at your home and with kids there. You can’t control or make other parent receptive to what you are trying to do for kids.

-Focus on creating rituals that leave positive, lasting memories or impressions on kids in your home.

-Make quality time with kids to give child opportunity to bring you into their world, feel seen and celebrated.

-Create a secret handshake

-Put a note in lunch

-Snuggle for few mins in morning

-You Pick Time – allow them to pick the activity or be the leader

Danielle states to help you parent wholeheartedly practice this. You as a parent have to be whole, to have the skills. You need to take care of yourself, prioritize your well-being, and be able to have capacity to be able to positively parent. Parenting wholeheartedly, means whole child, whole self. Never feel guilty for taking care of yourself, because you will be your best version of you as a parent after taking care of you.

Learn more:

You can learn more from Danielle at Parenting Wholeheartedly

Her Podcast: Failing Motherhood

or on IG: Danielle | Parenting Coach for 1-7 y/o Strong-willed Kids (@parent_wholeheartedly) • Instagram photos and videos

and FB: Wholeheartedly | Facebook

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