Top 5% podcast


through Midlife

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If you love what you have been learning than we would love for you to leave a review. If this podcast has helped you in some way, taught you something about health in midlife than hop on over to Apple Podcast and leave us a review.

I love hearing from you and it always brings a smile to my face when I hear that something I am sharing is resonating with you, share with me how I am helping you!

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Join us in the Facebook Community to take the discussion from the podcast further. I also am in there daily to help answer questions you have about movement, nutrition, and all things health and wellness. It is my goal to help you move better and feel better.

Move Better, Feel Better Program

Struggling to move more? Feeling sore when you do try to move more? Or just want to feel like yourself again? Join me as I help you to work through whole-body movements to help with aches, pains, tension, and tightness that you are struggling with while also helping you to lose weight and feel like yourself again. This program provides you with alignment tips and exercises, foam rolling techniques and stretches to help you get back to feeling your best, while also providing you with information to help you gain confidence and lose the midsection weight.

Want to ask me a question?

Schedule a Coaching Session

If you are unsure where to start and would like a coaching call with me, then schedule a 45-minute coaching session so that I can help you create a 4-week plan to help you move better and feel better.