Making your own Almond Milk

If you have a high-speed blender like the Vitamix than making your own Almond milk is something you should seriously consider.  It costs a lot less, tastes so much better, and doesn’t contain the extra additives.

Vanilla (naturally sweetened) Almond Milk
1 cup of almonds
8 cups of water (separated)
2 dates
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)

You will also need cheesecloth for a smooth milk.

Place 4 cups of water and the almonds in a container and allow to sit for approximately 10 hours or overnight.  Make sure to empty the water out and rinse the almonds really well.

Place the almonds, 4 cups of fresh filtered water, the dates, salt and vanilla in a blender. Slowly increase the speed until it appears like all the nuts have been blended well.  Place a cheesecloth with a rubber band over top of a large glass container allowing the cheesecloth to sink into the container so that you have room to pour the milk in.  You will need to do this over a period of time and then I squeeze it to try to release as much of the milk as possible.

At the end of it you will have about 1 cup of almond pulp leftover-Don’t throw it away!!!  Make these yummy chocolate chip bars from the Vegan 8 that your kids will love.

Almond milk is a great source of calcium which helps the brain make melatonin and also provides many nutrients that will help you get a great night’s sleep. So feel free to drink a nice warm glass before bedtime to help you feel calm and relaxed.

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