
Healthy habits to start in Midlife

woman walking up steps

Not sure what healthy habits to start as a busy mom in midlife? Are you struggling to even create healthy habits? If so, what do you feel like your number one excuse is?

For most people it has a lot to do with TIME!  You don’t have the time to eat right, do an hour-long workout, can’t find time to meditate or work on personal development, or stretch at the end of the day. When you are a mom, time is limited.

I get it! 

Time is your most important asset, so I’m happy to hear that you are protecting it and I do hope that you are using all of that time for the important things in your life. Not mindlessly scrolling social media and things like that.  

Since you don’t have time, I want to help you with creating healthy habits in your life with something you may have heard before:

Habit stacking for the busy mom

Habit stacking (from Atomic Habits by James Clear) is adding a new habit to a habit you already have.  We have many, many habits that we practice every day without even thinking about it.  Things like brushing our teeth, watching TV, going to the bathroom, getting the mail, driving to work and making dinner.

I’m hoping to provide you with some ideas of how you can stack a new Healthy Habit with a habit you are already practicing.  It’s not so much about what healthy habits you should be practicing but rather what healthy habits can fit into your everyday life.   

Watch the video below for some of the ideas I share on how to stack your habits and then let me know in the comments below what you have chosen to do.

Ideas for healthy habits you can start

Drink a glass of water before you even get out of bed in the morning

Stretch your calves while you brush your teeth

Meal prep more than one meal at a time

Do some strengthening while you are waiting for the shower to heat up

Practice breathing or meditation while coffee is brewing

Make a healthy snack while preparing lunches

I’d love to know in the comments below what healthy habits you are practicing in your daily life and if you are interested in practicing healthy habits and are looking for Accountability join us in our Free Community

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