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Counting Calories our Macros

picture of different foods and their calorie count

In today’s world, we’re often lured into the trap of ultra-processed foods. These foods, packed with high calories and deficient in nutrients, have an undeniable impact on our overall health. This blog post will explore the detrimental effects of ultra-processed diets and the importance of nutrient-rich foods, a topic thoroughly discussed to help you understand it’s far more about the food you are eating rather than counting calories or macros.

Dr Kevin D. Hall’s study on ultra-processed versus minimally processed diets serves as an eye-opener. It revealed that despite the same caloric content, individuals tend to consume more on an ultra-processed diet. This is because these foods are engineered to make you consume more, which often leads to weight gain. In contrast, when individuals ate a minimally processed diet, they experienced weight loss. This goes to show that the quality of the calories we consume plays a significant role in our health.

Fixation on counting calories or Macros

One of the myths that have gained popularity in the health and fitness world is the idea of counting calories and macros. While it can lead to results, it can also lead to a fixation on numbers and an unhealthy relationship with food. Especially for those looking to lose midsection weight, focusing on consuming nutrient-rich foods instead of counting macros can lead to better overall health. If your goal is a specific physique, then yes, macros can be essential. However, for most of us, what matters is the nutrients we consume.

Eating ultra-processed foods often leaves us hungrier because our body craves nutrients, not calories. Consuming these nutrient-deficient foods means your body continues to signal hunger as it is not getting the nourishment it needs. By choosing nutrient-rich foods, you can address this issue and ensure your body gets what it needs.

It’s also important to note that health is not solely about what you eat. It encompasses a broader spectrum, including sleep, stress levels, and hormones. Consuming ultra-processed foods can adversely affect these health markers, leading to cascading effects on our overall wellbeing. Therefore, it’s critical to adopt a holistic approach towards health, focusing on lifestyle changes that promote wellbeing.

In conclusion, navigating midlife healthily isn’t about obsessing over numbers, but about nourishing your body with what it truly needs. By opting for nutrient-rich foods and eliminating ultra-processed foods from your diet, you can ensure your body gets the nourishment it needs and leads a healthy, balanced life. Let’s strive to make better food choices, listen to our bodies, and create a healthier lifestyle for ourselves. Join our Community where we provide you with tips and tricks to help you lose weight and move better in midlife.

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